The Driver

Eighteen year old Laura Tillett is the daughter of renowned kart seat manufacturer Steve Tillett.

Laura has been a constant fan of Motorsport from the first day she watched her father competing in the British Formula “A” Kart Racing Championships during the early 90’s.

After a whole year of resistance from mum Martine, Laura was first allowed out to drive during the Christmas holidays of 2001. Unfortunately the night before she was due to drive the kart for the first time, it snowed. Determined not to miss her chance she decided to go to Buckmore Park anyway.

It was so icy that Nan and Grandad Tillett had to help push her up the slopes when her wheels spun to a stop!

The Driver

Laura’s first drive in a cadet kart was a bit slippery

The Driver

2009 has seen Laura’s first full year racing abroad

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