Laura completed another round of the BARC Renault Championship
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Unfortunately the weather wasn’t so good for the qualifine but when the racing got started she feels as though she made good progress on her confidence and racing the car. She was really excited to get back out in her car again.
“Driving the car isn’t as easy as it looks and it has defiantly been more of a challenge then I thought it would be, but I love a challenge! The more I progress the better I feel. I am really pushing myself, on and off track to make sure I get to my target for this year and be the best I can!”
“The Caterham project is going well, we are really making progress with it and meetings with important people are really giving us a clear idea that this championship will be a great for karting.”
“I really can’t wait to get started on testing the kart which should hopefully be happening soon, this is great opportunity for me and as I haven’t been in a kart for a long time I know I will really enjoy it”
“I have also been given the opportunity to appear in a brochure about life skills, aimed at 13-19 year olds, can’t wait to see how that goes and will hopefully have more information soon”